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【 #英的孩沉突如袁按乡语资源# 导语】们很同学在学英语的候会找很多的英语文章来,来看看英语美文吧,今天大家分享下英语美文欣赏,大家来学习看看吧! 【篇一】关于英语优美的经典文章

  As for me, I have a special emotion to aut360问答umn. Autumn always gives 度吸死小答me a kind of feeling which can make me forg杨原余搞业件天et sorrow. EVEry t却概外离教使ime when au胞苦边盐tumn comes, I am always glad to feel the beautiful season. I can enjoy myself in this great season.


  I like the Wind of autumn. It is cool and comfortable. When the wind kisses my face, I wi逐护刚套互西难供ll close my eyes and smile. I know tha粒信阻t wind brings me the breath of autumn. She lets me understand that autumn is full of hAPPiness. I can smell and taste autumn everywhere. The vi去的状宣ew of the autumn WILL give me a huge enjoyment. As for me, the wind in autumn is the best present. I am deepl笔终y attracTED by the autumn wind. This taste of autumn is delicious.


  I also love autum湖n colors. The leaves will turn y相决车清笑督引否粮ellow in autumn. This kind of yellow represents hope and maturity. When I see th阳即清甲川功定世电放ese yellow leaves, I will think that they sti的社治花光异ll enter into the soil and will give the tree adequate nutrition. Thus, they never leave the tree. I am moved by this sentiment. This phenomenon gives me Many thoughts about human society. I believe that our society will have a better development if we realize that w向被第圆管e should have a grateful heART. Autumn colors are so magical for me. They let me have bigger imagination space to think over life. I know this taste of autumn is sweet.


  I really appreciate autumn quality. In my eyes, autumn is just a mature person. And her love requires no return. In this season, when I walk on the way, I can feel her sincerity and her firmness. Although she can't speak one Word, I can learn something from her. This taste of autumn is pregnant and attractive.


  Autumn is my favorite season and I will go on to feel autumn. Autumn also makes me have a deeper understanding of cherishing everything that I have now.



  If we get married, I firmly believe I'll

  live a hard life, I can never

  live happily with you, I'll devote myself

  but not

  to You. No one else is more

  harsh and selfish and least

  solicitous and considerate than you.

  I sincerely want to let you know

  what I said is True. Please do me a favor by

  ending our relations and refrain from

  writing me a reply. Your letter is always full of

  things which displease me. You have no

  sincere care for me. So long! Please believe

  I don't love you any longer. Don't think

  I still have a love of you!

  Having read the letter, the father felt relieved and gave it to his daughter with a light heart.

  The girl also felt quite pleased after she read it carefully, her lad still had a deep love for her.

  Do you know why? In fact, she felt very sad when she read the letter for the first time. But she read it for a few more times and , at last, she found the key.


  Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she Provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of us refer to her as goddess. We must recognize as well that we too spring from universal love and as such carry a spark of the divine within each and everyone of us.

  Ladies and gentleman,

  We are here today to witness and celebrate a passage of life, a passage of love, which Ariele and Martin have chosen to enter upon. They have decided to BECome more than just lovers, but a family. Moving from onstage of life to another. You have been invited to be physical representatives of the divine and give your support to their union, so as to help make their new path a joyous one, one that is walked upon with wonder and ease. For truly, whether we recognize it or not, we are all family all of the time. Therefore we deeply thank you for your presence as we thank the goddess herself for being with us always.

  This celebRation is not and end, but a beginning, the start of a new process. From my experience it is not the marriage ceremony nor the marriage that is important, but the love and friendship that you share. Those will ensure a longer lasting relationship than any ritual.

  With all my heart I bless you and trust that all will go well in your new life together. My love goes with you, as I am sure everyone else's love in this place goes with you as sell. Goddess be with you. Blessed be.


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